Dear Guests,
Due to high demand, the Rixos Hotel (where the main events & meals will be held) is fully booked.
Private accommodations are still available at the Ramada Almaty Hotel, a 30-minute walk from the Rixos Hotel (and a 45-minute walk from the Ohel). No programs, meals or tefillos will take place at the Ramada Hotel; it is available for accommodations alone, for those who book in advance (with a discount for Chof Av guests).
To reserve rooms at the Ramada Hotel, please send an email with the number of people/rooms and the number of nights needed to sergey.babel@ramadaalmaty.com
To accommodate the large number of guests arriving from around the world for the events surrounding Chof Av, we have reserved the Rixos Hotel in the heart of Alma Ata. This will be the venue for all weekday and Shabbos meals, tefilos, classes, farbrengens, and the main event on Motzaei Shabbos.
The hotel is fully booked; rooms are no longer available (see above for alternative options).
If you have arranged your own accommodations, you are welcome to join us for tefillos, the full schedule of shiurim and farbrengens, and Shabbos meals at no cost.
Please register below so we can plan accordingly.
The program is open to men and women. Upon arrival, you will receive a printed schedule detailing times and locations within the hotel's separate sections.
For additional information, please contact us, and we will respond as soon as possible.