General Schedule
Chof Av, 5784 – Alma Ata, Kazakhstan
Thursday, 18 Av (August 22)
Arrival and Reception
Lunch at the Hotel
Dinner and Bruchim Haba’im Farbrengen at the Chabad House
Friday, 19 Av (August 23)
Shacharis in the Tents at the Cemetery
Main Event and Pan Kloli at 10:30 AM
Shabbat Eve – Chof Av
Central Shabbos Dinner and Farbrengen at the Rixos Hotel
Shabbos Parshas Eikev – the Yom Hilulah
Shacharis and Seudah at the Rixos Hotel
Hour-long walk to the Ohel in the evening hours
Seder Niggunim and Maamar at the Ohel
Return by bus to the hotel after Havdalah
Motzei Shabbos
Festive Melave Malka and Central Farbrengen for the Yom Hilulah in the Grand Ballroom of the Rixos Hotel
Sunday, 21 Av (August 25)
Shacharis and Breakfast