Welcome to the Chof Av website
The central resource for your upcoming trip to Alma Ata, Kazakhstan, for Chof Av 5784, marking the 80th yahrzeit of Horav Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, the Rebbe’s father.
As every year, we are delighted to host visitors from around the world and provide accommodation with maximum comfort.
The hospitality will be available , G-d willing, on Thursday, 18 Av (August 22, 2024) at 10 AM, and will continue thru Sunday, 21 Av (August 25, 2024) at 10 AM.
The Central Farbrengen
After Shabbos, there will be a festive Melave Malka meal and central farbrengen in the elegant and spacious hall of the Rixos Hotel, led by prominent Rabbonim, Mashpiim and Shluchim.
The Main Event
After Shacharis on Friday in the tents near the Ohel, the main event will take place within the Ohel of Harav Levi Yitzchak. It will include niggunim, the recitation of Maaneh Lashon and Tehillim, and the reading of a Pan Kloli.
How to Get to Alma Ata for the Yahrzeit:
Flights: You can purchase flight tickets through any travel agent or suitable websites. Ensure that you book both segments of the journey: a flight from your departure point to an intermediate airport, and from there, a connecting flight to Almaty International Airport in Kazakhstan.
Visa Requirements: Check in advance whether you need a visa to enter and stay in Kazakhstan, depending on your passport or nationality. Some passports do not require a visa.
Registration: To complete the registration for your accommodations, please attach a copy of your flight tickets, so that we may coordinate your airport transport.
Schedule and General Information:
From your arrival until your departure, you can focus on the spiritual aspects of your visit, as everything else will be prearranged for you.
We will provide transportation to and from the airport, sumptuous meals throughout the day in the hotel's luxurious dining room, transportation to and from the Ohel, as well as organized transport between the hotels and the hall where the central farbrengen will take place.
For the 24 hours before and the 24 hours after the 80th Yom Hilulah, the Ohel will be open for davening, recitation of Tehillim, and writing and reading panim. Light refreshments and hot and cold drinks will be available in a nearby tent. Transportation will depart every hour from the hotels.
Upon arrival, you will receive a detailed schedule of shiurim, minyanim and farbrengens, including a map of key locations such as the mikvah, shul, Chabad House, hotels, cemetery, and more.
The central farbrengen, with the participation of Rabbonim, Mashpiim and Shluchim from around the world, will take place on Motzaei Shabbos at 10 PM local time.
In Appreciation!
The accommodations throughout the Yom Hilulah are dedicated to the memory of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneersohn (18 Nissan 5640 - 20 Av 5704),
and Rebbetzin Chana (28 Teves 5740 - 6 Tishrei 5725).
as well as their children, Our dear Rebbe (11 Nissan 5662 - 3 Tammuz 5754),
R' Dovber Hy"d (3 Kislev 5664 - 24 Tishrei 5702)
and R' Yisrael Aryeh Leib (21 Iyar 5666 - 13 Iyar 5712).
For additional questions or special requests, please contact us and a representative will respond to you as soon as possible